
Impossible de résoudre la requête « fr/a-louer-maison-individuelle-6.5-pieces-1807-blonay/2595171 ».


274     public function runController($route)
275     {
276         if(($ca=$this->createController($route))!==null)
277         {
278             list($controller,$actionID)=$ca;
279             $oldController=$this->_controller;
280             $this->_controller=$controller;
281             $controller->init();
282             $controller->run($actionID);
283             $this->_controller=$oldController;
284         }
285         else
286             throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".',
287                 array('{route}'=>$route===''?$this->defaultController:$route)));
288     }
290     /**
291      * Creates a controller instance based on a route.
292      * The route should contain the controller ID and the action ID.
293      * It may also contain additional GET variables. All these must be concatenated together with slashes.
294      *
295      * This method will attempt to create a controller in the following order:
296      * <ol>
297      * <li>If the first segment is found in {@link controllerMap}, the corresponding
298      * controller configuration will be used to create the controller;</li>

Stack Trace

 /home/httpd/vhosts/ CApplication->run()
09 defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
10 // specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message
11 defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);
13 require_once($yii);
14 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
2024-04-18 18:37:34 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.22